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IIUM Awards and Recognition
International Islamic University Malaysia
Consumer's debating championship 2008
Office for Communication, Advocacy and Promotion for Change (OCAP), IIUM.
1 photo : color
Seizing the university's recognition moments.
Original form is available at Restricted Collection,
Archives Unit, KMRS, Dar al-Hikmah Library, IIUM.
International Islamic University Malaysia--awards | Debates and debating
consumer's debate, IIUM awards and recognition, students awards
Jpeg 300dpi
Print photos
License ID | Type | Licensor / licensee | Usage medium | Description | Expiration date |
2 | Outbound | Dar al-Hikmah Library, IIUM | Book, Web, Merchandise, TV | Materials in this collection are made available by the Dar al-Hikmah Library. To request reproductions or inquire about permissions, contact: Copyright to this resource is held by the International Islamic University Malaysia and is provided here for educational purposes only. It may not be downloaded, reproduced, or distributed in any format without permission of Dar al-Hikmah Library, IIUM. | No expiry date |